I have been loving going back through all of my June weddings from last year to put together these anniversary posts! I’m a bit behind posting these (sick babies put everything behind) but I’m so glad I’m finally sharing these since Laura & Bryan’s wedding was one of my favorite weddings ever. I loved all of the thought they put into the details of their wedding, I bawled my eyes out during their ring ceremony hearing Laura & Bryan’s perfect vows to each other, but the thing I loved the most was feeling how much love their friends and family had for them. So many people traveled to be there for Laura and Bryan and you could tell that they wouldn’t have missed it for the world! It was one of the sweetest weddings I’ve ever had the pleasure to be a part of and I was honestly so sad when it was over. Happy belated anniversary you guys! I hope this last year was just as sweet and fun as your wedding day!
Gorgeous flowers & reception center: Cactus and Tropicals